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2013 Accreditation News


Accreditation Status and Team Report



We are now in receipt of the full letter from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. A full report is due back to the Commission in March of next year, at which time they want us to address three recommendations. This is a reduction from the eight that originally were contained in the Team's March evaluation report, which I have also attached for your reference.

The recommendations to be addressed:

  1. Linkage of Institutional Goals and Objectives from the Educational Master Plan with our Operational Plan goals and resource allocations. This was Recommendation 1 in the Team's original report.
  2. Add a component detailing effectiveness in producing outcomes to our Student Learning Outcome evaluations. This was Recommendation 7 in the Team's original report.
  3. Develop a fiscal strategy to have a balanced budget. This was Recommendation 8 in the Team's original report.

I feel very good about the Commission's action and I am confident we will meet or exceed their recommendations and prove it to them next March. Meanwhile, I also think it is important to keep this in context and remember that the Team also had four commendations in its report to us.

While all were significant, I want to note especially Commendation 3:

"It was clear to the visiting team that despite the fiscal challenges the College is overcoming, the central focus of the Board, administrators, faculty, staff and students is educational quality, student success and achievement. This was evident during team member interviews, observance of committee meetings, 海角破解版 educational projects and communications, e.g., the College Catalog."

Providing quality education is totally what we are about and it is very gratifying that the Team recognized this. We will correct the shortcomings and get even better at what we do.


We received word Wednesday, just before our long weekend, that we are one of six community colleges in the state that have been issued a "Warning" as the result of the comprehensive accreditation evaluation conducted on campus last March.

While this is officially a 'sanction,' it is basically what we had hoped for given the fiscal challenges we have faced over the past several years. It is the lowest sanction that is issued and really does not come as a surprise to any of us.

We remain fully accredited and will continue to work on the fiscal issues that have faced our campus. The fact that a Vice President of the ACCJC was part of our evaluation is unprecedented and truly shows the confidence the commission has on our ability to provide quality education

Of the 13 colleges that received full accreditation reviews, six were reaffirmed, six were issued warnings and one was placed on probation. The commission also voted to terminate accreditation of the City College of San Francisco which had been placed on "Show Cause" status last year.

As we all know, this could have been much worse. Again, I really want to thank all who have been involved in this process. We have not yet received the full letter from the commission, explaining the next steps but when it does arrive, I will pass it on to the greater campus community.

For your information, I am attaching the notification we received via email today.

 2013-2014 Educational Master Plan

Full 2013-2014 Educational Master Plan

  1. Administration of Justice Program Review Spring 2013
  2. Agricultural Business Program Review Spring 2013
  3. Agricultural Science Program Review Spring 2013
  4. Air Conditioning and Refrig Program Review Spring 2013
  5. Apprenticeships Program Review Spring 2013
  6. Automotive Technology Program Review Spring 2013
  7. Behavioral Science Dept Program Review Spring 2013
  8. BS - Alcohol and Drug Studies Program Review Spring 2013
  9. BS - Behavioral Science Program Review Spring 2013
  10. BS - Psychology Program Review Spring 2013
  11. BS - Sociology Program Review Spring 2013
  12. Building Construction Tech Program Review Spring 2013
  13. Business Accounting Tech Program Review Spring 2013
  14. Business Administration Program Review Spring 2013
  15. Business Administrative Assistant Program Review  Spring 2013
  16. Business Financial Services Program Review Spring 2013
  17. Business Management Program Review Spring 2013
  18. Business Marketing Program Review Spring 2013
  19. Business Office Tech Program Review Spring 2013
  20. Child Development Program Review Spring 2013
  21. CISCO CCNA Discovery Program Review Spring 2013
  22. Computer Info Systems Program Review Spring 2013
  23. Computer Science Program Review Spring 2013
  24. Court Services Specialist Program Review Spring 2013
  25. Distance Ed Program Review 2012-2013
  26. Electrical Technology Program Review Spring 2013
  27. Electrical Trades Program Review Spring 2013
  28. Emergency Medical Services Program Review Spring 2013
  29. Energy Efficiency Technology Program Review Spring 2013
  30. English Program Review Spring 2013
  31. ESL Program Review Spring 2013
  32. EWD - SB70 V Supplemental Grant 2013-2014
  33. Exercise Science Wellness Sports Program Review Spring 2013
  34. Fire Technology Program Review Spring 2013
  35. Firefighter I - Fire Academy Program Review Spring 2013
  36. General Science Program Review Spring 2013
  37. HUM - Art Program Review Spring 2013
  38. HUM - Humanities Program Review Spring 2013
  39. HUM - Journalism Program Review Spring 2013
  40. HUM - Music Program Review Spring 2013
  41. Humanities Dept Program Review Spring 2013
  42. Legal Assistant Program Review Spring 2013
  43. Library Program Review Spring APR 2013-14
  44. Life Science Program Review Spring 2013
  45. Math Program Review Spring 2013
  46. Medical Assistant Program Review Spring 2013
  47. Multimedia and Web Development Program Review Spring 2013
  48. Nursing - RN Program Review Spring 2013
  49. Nursing - VN Program Review Spring 2013
  50. Pharmacy Technician Program Review Spring 2013
  51. Physical Science Program Review Spring 2013
  52. Pre-Engineering Program Review Spring 2013
  53. SS - Anthropology Program Review Spring 2013
  54. SS - History Program Review Spring 2013
  55. SS - Social Science Dept Program Review Spring 2013
  56. SS - Social Science Program Review Spring 2013
  57. Water Treatment Systems Tech Program Review Spring 2013
  58. WLSC - American Sign Language Program Review Spring 2013
  59. WLSC - Arabic Course Review Spring 2013
  60. WLSC - Communication Arts Program Review Spring 2013
  61. WLSC - French Program Review Spring 2013
  62. WLSC - Spanish for Native Speaker Program Review Spring 2013
  63. WLSC - Spanish for Non-Native Speaker Program Review Spring 2013
  64. World Languages and Speech Comm Dept Program Review Spring 2013

Progress Reports on Educational Master Plan:

2013 Accreditation Site Visit

Download the PDF Version of this Information

About Accreditation

Accreditation is a non-governmental, peer-driven process. The federal Department of Education has certified  and the  as legitimate accreditors. 海角破解版 pays dues to  to voluntarily participate in the accreditation process.

Accreditation occurs on a six-year cycle. Through accreditation, an institution demonstrates that it is of high quality, and the public is assured that the institution is doing a professional job of helping students learn and achieve their educational goals. Our eligibility for financial aid and federal funds also hinges on our good standing as accredited.

Over the past three years, 海角破解版 has worked to embed the goals of accreditation into the life of the college. To certify those efforts, a team of administrators and faculty from our region will analyze our Institutional Self-Evaluation Report and then visit us during the week of March 11-14 (Monday - Thursday). To read the complete report, go to: 2012 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report

What is the Accreditation Process?

Who are the teammembers?

The volunteer team consists of a team chair, a team assistant, and administrators and faculty from other community colleges in our region of the , which includes California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands.

What training does the team have?

The  assembles and trains the visiting team several weeks prior to the site visit. Most team members also have participated in other site visits at community and junior colleges in the region.

What are the team's responsibilities?

Prior to arriving for the site visit, team members analyze the 2012 海角破解版 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report and write their preliminary findings.

The team uses guide questions and a rubric about the four broad accreditation standards to judge whether or not 海角破解版 has appropriately met the standards or has actionable improvement plans in place to do so.

Once on campus for the site visit, the team members conduct interviews and review additional evidence as necessary. They may also choose to attend any standing committee meetings, attend open forums, and visit classes. Following their interviews, evidence review, and other interactions, the team members write evaluations on their assigned standards. As a team, the members work to formulate recommendations (which are deficiencies in meeting accreditation standards). As a final act, team members sign off on their confidential recommendation to the .

What are the Accreditation Standards?

  • Standard I: Does 海角破解版 provide the means for students to learn, assess how well learning is occurring, and strive to improve learning through continuous, systematic, and integrated planning?
  • Standard II: Do instructional programs, student support services, and library and learning support services facilitate the achievement of 海角破解版's stated student learning outcomes?
  • Standard III: Are physical, human, technological, and financial resources adequately managed and maintained to support the mission of the college?
  • Standard IV: Does ethical and effective leadership guide the college to fulfill its mission and support institutional effectiveness and improvement?

What Should I Know?

Depending on your responsibilities, one or more team members may want to meet with you.

Team members may attend any standing committee meeting and interview you there. One or more team members may visit your workstation, including a class you are teaching or a student services interaction with a student.

You may be asked to provide additional evidence. If you are asked for additional evidence, please let Linda Amidon (ext. 6215) in the Instruction Office know so that we can record the request, obtain the evidence, and integrate the evidence into the electronic document file as needed.

Can I meet with the site visitors?

All staff, faculty, and students are invited to a Meet and Greet for the team on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the College Center.

Two college Forums will be open to all staff and you are encouraged to attend and participate. Forum 1 is Tuesday, March 5, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. in Room 2734Forum 2 is Thursday, March 7, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (Forum 2 has been canceled).

A formal Exit Interview, where the chair of the Site Visit Team will present an overview of the team's findings, will take place on Thursday March 14, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 2734.

What Should I Expect From the Visit?

When will the team visit?

The site visit team will be on campus Monday - Thursday, March 11-14, 2013.

What recommendations might the site visit team make?

The  has eight possible actions for accredited institutions:

  1. Reaffirm Accreditation
  2. Reaffirm Accreditation with a Progress Report
  3. Reaffirm Accreditation with a Progress Report and Visit
  4. Defer Action on Accreditation
  5. Issue a Warning to Correct Deficiencies
  6. Impose Probation
  7. Order Show Cause
  8. Terminate Accreditation

All but Reaffirm Accreditation require a deadline or date by which the action will take place, and the site visit team must state its rationale for assigning the recommendation.

Are the team's recommendations and determination final?

No. The  itself makes the final determination after reviewing the visiting team's report. In our case, this will take place after its June, 2013 meeting.

Who is on the Site Visit Team?

Dr. Susan Clifford, Chair

Vice President of Commission Operations ()

Mr. Randall Lawrence, Chair


President ()

Ms. Kristy Anderson (Assistant)

Director of Planning, Assessment and Research and Accreditation Liaison Officer ()

Ms. Stephanie Brasley

Dean, Academic Affairs ()

Ms. Irene Graff

Director, Institutional Research ()

Dr. Lui Hokoana

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs ()

Ms. Sandee McLaughlin

Executive Dean ()

Mr. Mario Tejada, Jr.

Faculty, Chair of Distance Education ()

Mr. Scott Thomason

Vice President, Administration and Technology ()

Action Plans

The following chart presents a summary view of the actionable improvement plans contained in this Reaffirmation of Accreditation Self-Evaluation Report together with the Standards for reference:


Action Plan



The DE Committee, in coordination with the appropriate academic deans and the Office of Instruction, will establish criteria for a course's eligibility to be offered online by April of 2013 so that program-related classes can be again offered online in the fall of 2013.

DE Coordinator, DE Committee, Instructional Deans, CIO


The SLO Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Services and Instructional Technology to create an efficient repository for storing course-level SLO assessment forms, as well as program-level SLOs by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year.

SLO Coordinator, SLO Committee, CIO


The college will continue to integrate the assessment of SLOs and PLOs into its Comprehensive Program Review.  No additional planning measures are needed at this time.

SLO Coordinator


The SLO coordinator will continue to work with all campus constituencies to develop a specific plan for the assessment of PLOs.

All PLOs for programs, degrees, and certificates are to be written by the end of November 2012.  Programs will be assessing all of these PLOs by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year.  These PLOs, once written, will be put into CurricUNET by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year, and listed in the online catalog for the 2013-2014 academic year.

SLO Coordinator, SLO Committee


Chairs and lead faculty will add PLOs for all programs in CurricUNET, and these modifications will be approved by the Curriculum Committee, the Academic Senate, and the Board of Trustees in time to be included in the 2012-2013 General College Catalog.

Instructional Chairs and Coordinators


The Vice President for Information Technology will work through the Technology Planning Committee to continue to update the college website and to clarify roles and procedures for updating and maintaining the site.  The Marketing Committee's role and membership will be discussed and revised by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year.



海角破解版's office of Admissions and Records will continue to transition its archived documents into its imaging system and anticipates that all documents will eventually be imaged at the time received.  During this transition period, the Admissions and Records office and the Instruction office will continue to hold appropriate archived student records in hard copy for the period required by law.

Director of A&R


In order to ensure that the needs of all personnel are met, the college will review the recently implemented college hour, assess the current reassigned time for faculty coordinators of Professional Development activities, conduct staff surveys related to professional development needs.

CHRO, Staff Development Committee


Maintenance Department and Safety and Security Department personnel will conduct regular safety inspections of facilities and grounds to ensure a safe learning and working environment on campus.  The college will continue to rely on input and expertise from our local agencies (Imperial County Fire Department, Imperial County Health Department, Regional Water Board, etc.) to ensure full compliance with all health and safety regulations.  The college will also continue building on our relationship with the American Red Cross.

Director of Maintenance and Director of Security


The college will be improving the process of projecting the cost of ownership when planning for new construction.  All new construction and modernization projects will have a cost of ownership budget developed during the planning phase of each project.



By June 2013, the college will develop a plan to assess the effective use of technology on campus by faculty, staff, and students.

CTO,  Technology Committee


The successful development and implementation of recommendations from the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assessment Team (FCMAT) will ensure that the college will have sufficient funding to support educational programs that support a smaller student population.  The college has created a Strategic Transition Action Response Team (START) to act as a recommending body to the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent/President and to facilitate the transition from recommendations to implementation.

CBO, START Team, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee


The Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee has begun discussion regarding the appropriate reserve level based on the specific needs of the college.  It is anticipated that the committee will make a recommendation on the minimum reserve amount by June 2013.

Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee, CBO


The college will continue to implement the recommendations of the FCMAT Management Review. 

START Team, Budget and Fiscal Planning, CBO


The college is working with FCMAT (Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team) on a fiscal review which will be presented to the Board of Trustees in December 2012. The college is committed to implementing the recommendations of the study in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the college and to fulfill its mission and goals. 

START Team, Budget and Fiscal Planning, CBO


The college has established a Strategic Transition Action Response Team (START), which will act as a source for communication regarding the forthcoming FCMAT report and the follow-up actions necessary.  START will also prioritize and make recommendations to the college president on the implementation of the FCMAT recommendations.  Additional reviews will be completed by the college's shared governance committees (Academic Senate, College Council, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee).

START Team, Budget and Fiscal Planning, CBO


The Strategic Transition Action Response Team (START) has been formed to act as a recommending body to the president and to the Board of Trustees to prioritize and implement the recommendations of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assessment Team report due in December 2012.   The team is composed of Executive Council members as well as representatives of administration, faculty and classified staff. 

START Team, Budget and Fiscal Planning, CBO



Accreditation Status and Team Report


We are now in receipt of the full letter from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. A full report is due back to the Commission in March of next year, at which time they want us to address three recommendations. This is a reduction from the eight that originally were contained in the Team's March evaluation report, which I have also attached for your reference.

The recommendations to be addressed:

  1. Linkage of Institutional Goals and Objectives from the Educational Master Plan with our Operational Plan goals and resource allocations. This was Recommendation 1 in the Team's original report.
  2. Add a component detailing effectiveness in producing outcomes to our Student Learning Outcome evaluations. This was Recommendation 7 in the Team's original report.
  3. Develop a fiscal strategy to have a balanced budget. This was Recommendation 8 in the Team's original report.

I feel very good about the Commission's action and I am confident we will meet or exceed their recommendations and prove it to them next March. Meanwhile, I also think it is important to keep this in context and remember that the Team also had four commendations in its report to us.

While all were significant, I want to note especially Commendation 3:

"It was clear to the visiting team that despite the fiscal challenges the College is overcoming, the central focus of the Board, administrators, faculty, staff and students is educational quality, student success and achievement. This was evident during team member interviews, observance of committee meetings, 海角破解版 educational projects and communications, e.g., the College Catalog."

Providing quality education is totally what we are about and it is very gratifying that the Team recognized this. We will correct the shortcomings and get even better at what we do.


We received word Wednesday, just before our long weekend, that we are one of six community colleges in the state that have been issued a "Warning" as the result of the comprehensive accreditation evaluation conducted on campus last March.

While this is officially a 'sanction,' it is basically what we had hoped for given the fiscal challenges we have faced over the past several years. It is the lowest sanction that is issued and really does not come as a surprise to any of us.

We remain fully accredited and will continue to work on the fiscal issues that have faced our campus. The fact that a Vice President of the ACCJC was part of our evaluation is unprecedented and truly shows the confidence the commission has on our ability to provide quality education

Of the 13 colleges that received full accreditation reviews, six were reaffirmed, six were issued warnings and one was placed on probation. The commission also voted to terminate accreditation of the City College of San Francisco which had been placed on "Show Cause" status last year.

As we all know, this could have been much worse. Again, I really want to thank all who have been involved in this process. We have not yet received the full letter from the commission, explaining the next steps but when it does arrive, I will pass it on to the greater campus community.

For your information, I am attaching the notification we received via email today.