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Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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Agendas & Minutes

 Beginning April 2011 all Board Agendas and Minutes can now be viewed in:

You may view the Board meeting agenda and minutes by clicking on the specified year and date listed to the right. If you have any questions please contact the President's Office at 760-355-6219 or 760-355-6547.

District Board meetings are held in the Administration Building Board Room on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m., unless posted otherwise.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, and in compliance with the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20, the Imperial Community College District has temporarily suspended physical meetings beginning April 8, 2020 and until further notice. The agenda and instructions to the public can be found in BoardDocs: