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Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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2004 Measure L

To improve student access to career training and higher education opportunities, provide adequate facilities, the District will, in accordance with its Long Range Facilities Plan, construct, improve, renovate and rehabilitate college facilities including but not limited to the following:

  • Construct a new modern science and technology building in order to accommodate the number of qualified students wishing to enroll in classes within nursing, emergency medical training and other health science programs
  • Make necessary health and safety improvements such as upgrading fire alarm and communication systems and making ADA (handicapped accessibility) improvements
  • Replace outdated science labs that were built in the 1960's in order to provide a safe, efficient and productive facility for students
  • Provide and construct additional college classrooms to expand career/vocational programs including electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and construction in order to prepare students for good paying jobs
  • Upgrade electrical and data wiring systems to improve students access to computers and modern technology; modernize technology infrastructure and computer labs
  • Modernize and rehabilitate existing facilities to meet 21st century instructional and curriculum standards including healthy and safety improvements throughout the College
  • Improve, expand, and construct additional student support facilities
  • Purchase educational facilities the District is currently leasing
  • Furnish and equip college facilities to the extent permitted by law
  • Address unforeseen conditions revealed by construction/ modernization (e.g., plumbing or gas line breaks, dry rot, seismic, structural, etc.)
  • Necessary site preparation/restoration in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms
  • Continue to renovate, modernize, upgrade and add the necessary educational facilities as required
  • Provide funding to assure that all deferred, current and future maintenance and safety repairs are made to protect the community's capital investment in the College