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Integrated Consultation Council (ICC)

Committee Purpose
The purpose of ICC is to serve as the College District's participatory planning and decision-making body by providing recommendations directly to the Superintendent/President based on input from all constituent groups in four areas: (1) strategic planning; (2) policy, procedure review and recommendation; (3) problem management, and (4) campus communication.  ICC communicates those recommendations to all constituent groups.  All College District constituencies, as established by Board Policy No. 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making will be represented on the ICC and shall have a voice in identifying, reviewing, and addressing College District's needs and priorities. All committees and taskforces operating within the College District, either directly or indirectly, will provide information or make recommendations to the ICC to ensure unity of purpose and efficiency of operations.
Meeting Dates: 2nd Friday of each month
Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Location: Administration Board Room (Bldg. 10)


Administrator Jeff Enz (TPC)
Administrator Vacant (EHSC)
Administrator Jose Carrillo
Faculty Dr. Jia Sun (CART)
Faculty Dr. Sydney Rice (IEDC)
Faculty Michael Lonsdale (SAC)
Classified Jessica Prock (EEO)
Classified Miriam Trejo (FFC)
Classified Oliver Zambrano (PRMC)
Confidential Claudia Aguilar
Associate Student Government TBD
Associate Student Government TBD
Associate Student Government TBD
Administrator Alternate Johanna Fisher
Administrator Alternate Gail Warner
At Large Teaching Faculty Vacant 
At Large Non-Teaching Faculty  Elizabeth Trevino
Classified Alternate Genaro Ayala
Classified Alternate Josue Verduzco
Confidential Alternate Sheila Dorsey-Freeman
Associate Student Government Alternate  TBD
Associate Student Government Alternate  TBD
Associate Student Government  Alternate Gail Warner
Interim Vice President Academic Services Cesar Vega
Interim Vice President Academic Services Alexis Villa
Associate Dean of Institutional Effectiveness,
Equity & Student Success
Jose Carrillo
Curriculum Co-Chair Kristen Gomez
Classified Staff Claudia Aguilar