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California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is a state-sponsored program available to California residents who meet specific income eligibility requirements. 

To apply for the CCPG, please complete the FAFSA if you are a U.S Citizen or an eligible non-citizen. If you do not meet the citizenship qualification but meet the AB540 residency standards, please complete the California Dream Act Application. 海角破解版 will use the results to determine eligibility for the CCPG and will automatically award those students who are eligible and who have registered for classes.

Please check WebSTAR to see if you have been awarded a CCPG.

Applicants must be a California Resident, AB540, or qualify for a military exception as determined by the Admissions and Records office.

Attention Students

The CCPG covers the $46 per unit enrollment fee, but not the Student Health Fee, Student Representation fee, or parking fees. You may be eligible for the CCPG even if you are not eligible for financial aid. Before you register for classes, check  WebSTAR to see if your CCPG has been approved (log onto WebSTAR, click the Financial Aid tab).

Important Information about the California College Promise Grant

California Community College students receiving the CCPG must meet minimum academic and progress standards to remain eligible. Students who are on academic progress probation for two consecutive semesters will no longer qualify for the CCPG the following term.

This means that students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and must successfully complete more than 50% of attempted units. After all official grades are posted, students will be notified by email if they are being placed on either Academic (GPA) probation and/or progress probation. Your notification will inform you if you will lose your CCPG eligibility, registration priority, or both.

Types of California College Promise Grants

Method "A": Is for students or parent(s) on public assistance: TANF/CalWORKS, SSI/SSP, or General Assistance. Documentation will be required to verify your eligibility. To receive a CCPG A, the student is required to show verification dated within the last 60 days. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Method "B":
 Is for low-income students and/or their parent(s). It is based on prior-prior year's income, must meet household size and income standards established each year by the State of California. This method requires completion of a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (for AB540 students without SSNs) and submission of all necessary forms to the Financial Aid Office. 

2024-2025 Income Standards

Method "C":
Students who do not qualify under either Method A or B can receive a Method C waiver by establishing a financial need for federal assistance through 海角破解版. This method requires completion of a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (for AB540 students without SSNs) and submission of all necessary forms to the Financial Aid Office. 海角破解版 will use the results to determine student eligibility for the CCPG and will award those students who are enrolled and determined to have at least $1104 of financial need.

Special Classification: You are eligible for CCPG if you are a dependent of a qualified Veteran or National Guard, recipient or child of the Congressional Medal of Honor, victim or the dependent of a victim of September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, or deceased of law enforcement/fire personnel killed in the line of duty. Verification of eligibility from the appropriate agency is required.

General Information

  • Once your FAFSA or CADAA is received by our office, we will process your CCPG within 3-5 business days.
  • We cannot honor a waiver from another school. You must add 海角破解版's federal school code (001214) to your FAFSA or Dream Act Application in order to receive the CCPG.
  • You must be a California resident
  • CCPG applicants only need to apply once to have fees waived for the academic year. If you apply in Fall, the CCPG will cover Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
  • CCPG is not a book award, nor a loan.
  • CCPG applicants do not have to be enrolled in a minimum number of units, whether you take 1 unit or 19 units, the enrollment fee may be waived.