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High School Articulation

You have enrolled in a high school class that is articulated with Imperial Valley College. This means that you are eligible to earn college credit once you sucessfuly pass the course.


Who can participate in high school articulation?
Any high school student who is enrolled in an articulated High School class. Must have an overall High School GPA of a 2.0 or higher.
What is an articulated class?
An articulated class taught at a high school that is equivalent to a class offered at a local community college. Articulation is a process that allows a student to receive a letter grade, along with the unit value of the college course on their college transcript for high school classes.
What are the benefits
Articulated classes provide high school students the opportunity to get a "jump-start" on their college education while saving time and money in the process. In addition, students will gain confidence in their ability to complete college material work, which will later make their transition from high school to college much easier.
What will parents want to know?
  • It's Free! There is no fee when applying to a California Community College. And there is no fees associated with earning articulated credit for a college.
  • Based on a typical three unit community college course, a student would save approximately $160 on tuition and save $1,665 on a typical three unit university course.
  • Applying for articulated credit is voluntary. Your student will only receive credit if they pass the class. If they don't meet the passing grade required for articulation, there is NO negative impact on their college
    transcript---ONLY passing grades are recorded for the purposes of articulation.
  • OPTING OUT: Students have the option of declining college credit by submitting a form once they received their 海角破解版 exam/project final grade.
  • Just like high schools, community colleges must abide by the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), so any personal information, including SSN, that a student provides as part of the articulation application process, will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Grades issued upon completion of Credit by Examination will be included in the calculation of the student's grade point average and for determining scholarship awards.
How do you get the credit?
  • In order to get college credit for articulation, student must earn a "C" or better in class and on 海角破解版 exam/project. Credit is automatically awarded on Imperial Valley College transcript by September following the completing of the high school course.


What is the students responsibility in regards to high school articulation?
  • Create an OpenCCC Account.
  • Complete the 海角破解版 application.
  • Create a student account in CATEMA, and link it to their teacher and class period.
  • Sign the Parent Permission Form and return it to HS teacher.
  • Fulfill the minimum requirements to obtain credit. Student must pass the high school course and 海角破解版 final exam/project with a "C" or better.


Step 1

Checklist: Applying to 海角破解版

Before you start ...

Make sure you have the following information readily available:
(Reminder: Always protect your identity. If you haven't memorized the following information and have to write it down, be sure to keep it in a safe place and do not share it with anyone, especially your SSN.)
  • Legal Name (First Middle and Last)
  • Permanent & Mailing Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number (SSN)*
  • Alien Registration Number and expiration date: needed for Permanent Residents

* Why do we ask for SSN?

Providing your social security number is optional鈥攜ou can complete the college application without it. However, once you establish your official college profile, you can only add your SSN by appearing in person and proving your identity. Since most forms of financial  aid are tied to your social security number, if your college doesn't have your SSN they can't connect your financial aid to your student records. If you forget your student ID number, you can usually retrieve it online with your SSN, otherwise, you will have to go to 海角破解版 Admissions & Records office and prove your identity to retrieve your student ID number.
海角破解版 Application Process
You must apply to a college in order to establish a student record and receive a student ID number. A student ID number is required for articulated credit. The college application is a two-step process.
Step 1:
  1. Visit the Admissions Page.
  2. Then Go to the link to create an account. ( All community colleges use OpenCCC).
  3. For your records: Write down your user name and password.
  4. Use a personal e-mail address (one that you frequently use).
Step 2:
  1. You will automatically be redirected back to the 海角破解版 application. If not, go to the APPLY NOW icon from the homepage, then select the Open CCC Online Application link, select Sign In and enter your OpenCCC user name and password.
  2. Complete and submit your 海角破解版 application.

Step 3:

  1. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from 海角破解版 which confirms your acceptance. Your 海角破解版 ID number (also known as G#) will be included in this e-mail.
  2. The email may take up to 24 hours to arrive. Remember to check your Junk/Spam e-mail box. If you don't receive your e-mail, you can contact Admissions & Records Office at 760-355-6101.
  3. For your records: Write down your 海角破解版 ID number.


Now that you have your college ID number, your teacher will give you instructions about how to apply for articulated credit.


Step 2

Checklist: Creating a Student Account in CATEMA

Before you start ...

Have you participated in High School Articulation before? Then, you already have an account. Just login using username and password.
Make sure you have the following information readily available:

  • 海角破解版 ID number
  • Date of Birth
  • High School Name
  • Graduation Year
  • E-mail Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Teacher
  • Course Name
  • Class Period


Step 1:

  1. Visit the . (The Catema login link can also be found on the CTE Transition page.)
  2. Click on New Student, then select Create Account.
  3. For your records: Write down your user name and password.


Enrolling in Articulated Class

Step 2:

  1. After logging in to CATEMA, select Add Class Enrollment.
  2. From the drop down menu, select High School, teacher's name, name of 海角破解版 course, and class period.
  3. Click Submit , your class will appear at the bottom of the page, and you may then log out of CATEMA.


How to retrieve your CATEMA username and password:


  1. Click on .
  2. Enter your High School Name, Student Name and Date of Birth
  3. Click Find Username.


  1. After finding your Username, click on Continue,
  2. Login to your Task Menu, enter your 海角破解版 ID number (6-digit number, G00XXXXXX)
  3. click on Find Password.