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Statement of Conduct and Confidentiality

As an individual who works with and/or observes young children, I obligate myself to furthering the values of early childhood education as they are reflected in the ideals and principles of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.

To the best of my ability I will...

  • Never harm children.
  • Comply with the CFCS Department Observation and Lab Guidelines.
  • Not have conversations with other students or teachers while observing or doing an activity.
  • Keep observation notes private both in the classroom and when I leave.
  • Not bring cell phones, food, or drinks into the classroom.
  • The labs (Infant Center & Preschool) are not liable for any injuries you incur due to a variety of uneven surfaces, materials on the floor, toys left out by children... It is important to wear proper attire (i.e. closed toed shoes) when in a classroom with children (see observation & lab etiquette)
  • Not bring any weapons, medications or other dangerous or toxic substances into the center classrooms. This includes such items as pepper spray or aspirin (or other over the counter or prescription medications) you carry in your purse. These things are a hazard to the children. If you must have a medication on you at all times, let the director know and discuss how to protect the children. Purses should be locked in lockers, you must provide your own lock and it must be removed when you leave.
  • Avoid perfume and cologne. Strong orders can fuel asthma attacks in some children.
  • Respect and support families in their task of nurturing children.
  • Respect colleagues (teachers, staff, and classmates) in early childhood care and education and support them in maintaining the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Serve as an advocate for children, their families, and their teachers in community and society.
  • Stay informed of and maintain high standards of professional conduct
  • Engage in an ongoing process of self-reflection, realizing that personal characteristics, biases, and beliefs have an impact on children and families.
  • Be open to new ideas and be willing to learn from the suggestions of others.
  • Continue to learn, grow, and contribute as a professional.
  • Honor the ideals and principles of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.

This Statement of Conduct is not part of the Code but is a personal acknowledgment of the individual's willingness to embrace the distinctive values and moral obligations of the field of early childhood care and education. It is recognition of the moral obligations that lead to an individual becoming part of the profession.

Read Next "Confidentiality Statement and Form"