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Check Your SAP Standing

Your individual SAP standing (see sample below) is available on WEBSTAR. Remember SAP standards require that you maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and successfully complete a minimum of 67% of the courses you attempt. In addition, you must complete your program within Maximum Timeframe (MTF) standards which is 150% of your program length. This is 90-degree applicable units for most AA/AS programs. 

How to access the SAP standing:

1. Login to

2. Click on the Financial Aid tile

3. Click on Satisfactory Academic Progress tab

4. Click on down arrow to expand information and you will see your SAP status information (see sample below) 

Sample Academic Progress Page

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards require that you maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and successfully complete a minimum of 67% of the courses you attempt. In addition, you must complete your program within Maximum Timeframe (MTF) standards which is 150% of your program length. This is 90-degree applicable units for most A.A/A.S programs. 

  • Your cumulative GPA is 3.7

  • You have successfully completed 80% of the courses you have attempted

  • You have attempted 42 units overall (remedial and ESL will not be counted toward the maximum timeframe standard).

  • For more information about satisfactory academic progress, please read the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy or contact the Financial Aid Office.

SAP Status Definitions:

SAP Status Definition
INITIAL STATUS Student file received but not yet evaluated
ELIGIBLE Student is meeting SAP standards and is eligible
DISQUALIFIED Student is not meeting one or more of the SAP standards and has been disqualified
EXCEEDED MAXIMUM TIMEFRAME Student has exceeded maximum timeframe standards and is no longer eligible
PROBATION Student is on probation and must adhere to all conditions of his or her Academic Plan
PETITION REVIEW Petition under review based on recently completed coursework
INVALID MAJOR  Your current major is ineligible for financial aid 




Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy